

 PSYCHOTHERAPY for Adults, Teens and Children

What is emotional healing?  Sometimes emotional healing means working through your thoughts, feelings, and sensations constellated during specific traumatic events in order to return to a position of internal organization, strength, clarity and openness.  Often emotional healing involves the development of communication skills.  Many times emotional healing is more subtle and requires a slow examination of how you approach, avoid or embattle yourself and your true feelings, your relationships and your world.  For a child, emotional healing may mean learning to control oneself, learning to identify and express one’s feelings clearly and respectfully, or growing past a developmental fixation.  Essentially, emotional healing is an unfolding acceptance of yourself and others, thus allowing a more heartfelt approach to living.  Perhaps, in the end, this can be called forgiveness, especially of oneself.

In my view, emotional healing will always involve an opening of communication between your conscious awareness and your deeper mind, heart, and body, essentially bringing about a relaxation into increasing wholeness that spills over into your relationships and your world.

I have been most inspired and informed by ancient imagery work as passed on by Colette Aboulker-Muscat, THE WORK of Byron Katie, Focusing as developed by Eugine Gendlin, and Nondualism.  I use developmental, attachment, and object relations understanding to structure my thinking about character and the purpose of defenses.  I use family systems theory to balance my thinking about how the individual and presenting symptoms relate to their group of belonging.  I employ imagery, art therapy, EMDR, the inquiry process of Byron Katie, Focusing, and somatic exploration to facilitate the healing process.

LENS Neurofeedback often can dramatically quicken the effectiveness and shorten the time needed for psychotherapy.